90 minute Rogaine - Kimberley Kettles & Benchlands Standard
October 15th 2023 10:00am - 11:30am
Organizer: Andree Powers (Course Planner)
Map: Kimberley Kettles
Day two of the Mini Rogaine two day challenge will take place on 2 maps Myrtle Benchlands and Kimberley Kettles with a trail run to link them. These maps have runnable terrain with a mix of open grasslands, forest, big hills, and some rock/cliff features for your orienteering pleasure! Portions of these maps have been used in the Middle & Sprint at BC Championships & for many local training events.
This is the East Kootenay's and weather tends to be more moderate into October here which is another great reason to make the trip to Kimberley/Cranbrook.
You can run solo or grab a partner and form a team! You will have 90 minutes to get as many controls as possible that have different point values. In true "Rogaine" fashion, you will have a short period of time (I am still deciding on how long!) before the race start time of 10 am to get your map and plan your course! Plan carefully so that you get back within the 90 minute time limit or you will lose points for each minute you are late.
The start will be at the Trailhead on Marsden St with Parking along Dewolfe Ave. Finish will be at the Baseball field on Dewolfe and Stiles St . It will be a short 1 block walk from Finish to Start.
Registration $25 per event or $40 for both. Juniors $10 per event. See the registration link to zone4.
Solo point total (each participant carries and uses SI stick to check into control) but you can partner with another competitor to enjoy the 90 minute challenge together. This event will start on one map and finish on another! Prizes for two day total.