Kimberley Ugly Sweater Run or Walk 5K Trail Run
November 21st 2021 10:00am - 1:00pm
Organizer: Jim Webster (Event Director)
Map: Ugly Sweater Route
Put on your best Ugly Sweater, Christmas or otherwise and join Kimberley’s premier fun run / walk, all in support of the Kimberley Helping Hands Food-bank. Entry is by donation of either non-perishable food or by cash or cheque (Kimberley Helping Hands Foodbank). Donations of over $20 will receive a tax receipt. Just put your donation in an envelope with your name and address and put it in the donation box on November 21st.
You can either enter a timed or non-timed category. Timed participants will be given a loaner timing chip.
Registration check-in opens at 10:00 am. We'll have staggered starts with non-timed people starting once they have registered. This will spread everyone out both on the course and for hot dogs at the finish.
Spread the word, bring a friend and come join the fun.
Free Hot dogs will be served by the Food Bank volunteers.. ideally eat after you complete the course.
please pre-register so we can ensure we have food for all and to speed up the check-in process.
Covid ( Sorry it is still with us)
- Masks are required at check-in and when collecting your hot dog and hot drink
- Please have your vaccine passport ready to be checked
- Vaccine Passports will be checked at registration. Volunteers will be double vaxed so we encourage you to be the same if 12 and over.
Start and check-in at the wooden bridge on Leadenhal Street, across from the Food Bank and Anglican Church.