Nordic Centre Score-O TNT
June 1st 2023 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Organizers: Jules Tough (Event Director), Lois Pettit (Event Director), Rich Pettit (Organizer)
Map: Kimberley Nordic Centre Trails
Join us for a fun-filled romp around the Nordic Centre, gathering as many control points as possible, within 75 minutes. You can visit whichever controls you like and in any order. There will be plenty of beginner-friendly controls that are worth 10 points each, some that will require a hoof up the hills worth 20 points each, and some that will require diligent navigation, or speedy running, or both, and they will be worth 30 points each. You must be back within 75 minutes of your start time, or 8pm, whichever is earlier, or lose 5 points for every minute you are late. Controls will be picked up at 8pm, whether you are back or not, cos we gotta go to work on Friday! If you're not back by 8pm you will be responsible for putting on the next event. Ha ha.
There will be a beginner clinic at 6pm for those that are never-ever orienteers or anyone who would like a quick refresher.
You must carry a watch and/or a phone, so you know how long you have been out on the course. Compasses and SI sticks will be needed at this event and you are welcome to borrow from the club if you don't have your own.
Meet point is on the deck at the Nordic Centre Lodge.